GefObjects.AddArc (method)

Creates and returns a new object in this container.
Syntax: Set GefObject = object.AddArc ( ArcType, Left, Top, Width, Height, StartAngle, EndAngle )
Optional ArcType As GefArcTypeEnum -
Optional Left As long -
Optional Top As long -
Optional Width As long -
Optional Height As long -
Optional StartAngle As double -
Optional EndAngle As double -
Description: The AddArc method adds a new arc object to the current container.


Sub GefObjects_AddArc()
    Dim oCimScr As GefScreen
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimObjs As GefObjects
    Dim oCimArcObj As GefObject
    Set oCimScr = CimGetScreen
    Set oCimObj = oCimScr.Object
    Set oCimObjs = oCimObj.Objects
    Set oCimArcObj = oCimObjs.AddArc(gefArcTypeArc,_
         120 * 20, 120 * 20, 120 * 20, 120 * 20, pi / 4, pi / 9)
    oCimArcObj.Line.Weight = 600
    oCimScr.Refresh False
End Sub