GefObjectVariable.Public (property)

Gets and sets whether the variable is a public variable.
Syntax: Boolean = object.Public
object.Public = Boolean
Description: The Public property gets and sets whether the variable is a public variable.


Sub GefObjectVariable_Public()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimObjVars As GefObjectVariables
    Dim oCimObjVar As GefObjectVariable
    Dim nI As Integer
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimObjVars = oCimObj.Variables
    For nI = 0 To oCimObjVars.Count - 1
        Set oCimObjVar = oCimObjVars.Item(nI)
        If oCimObjVar.Public = True Then
            MsgBox "The variable " & """" & oCimObjVar.ID & _
                """" & " is a public variable"
            MsgBox "The variable " & """" & oCimObjVar.ID & _
                """" & " is not a public variable"
        End If
    Next nI
End Sub