GefPolylineFormat (object)

The format of a Polyline object
Description: Formats the polyline object.


Sub PolylineFormat_AddVertex()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimPolyFmt As GefPolylineFormat
    Dim nXCord As Long
    Dim nYCord As Long
    nXCord = 20 * 20
    nYCord = 40 * 20
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimPolyFmt = oCimObj.PolylineFormat
    If Not oCimPolyFmt Is Nothing Then
        oCimPolyFmt.AddVertex nXCord, nYCord
    End If
    CimGetScreen.Refresh False
End Sub
Properties: Application , Closed , Parent , VertexCount
Methods: AddVertex , GetVertex , InsertVertexAt , RemoveVertex , SetVertex