GefProcAction.GetVariableAssign (method)

Retrieves the configuration information for the action.
Syntax: Boolean = object.GetVariableAssign ( VariableID, VariableValue, PromptForValue )
VariableID As BSTR* -
VariableValue As BSTR* -
PromptForValue As VARIANT_BOOL* -
Description: This method is valid only if the Type of the action is GefActionVariableAssign.

The arguments correspond to the fields in the action panel of the Procedure Information dialog box.


Sub GefProcAction_GetVariableAssign()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimProcs As GefProcedures
    Dim oCimProc As GefProcedure
    Dim oCimProcActs As GefProcActions
    Dim oCimProcAct As GefProcAction
    Dim strVarId As String
    Dim strVarVal As String
    Dim bPrompt As Boolean
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimProcs = oCimObj.Procedures
    If oCimProcs.Count > 0 Then
        Set oCimProc = oCimProcs.Item(0)
        If Not oCimProc Is Nothing Then
            Set oCimProcActs = oCimProc.Actions
            If oCimProcActs.Count > 0 Then
                Set oCimProcAct = oCimProcActs.Item(0)
                If oCimProcAct.Type = gefActionVariableAssign Then
                    If oCimProcAct.GetVariableAssign(strVarId, strVarVal, bPrompt) = True Then
                        MsgBox "The variable is " & """" & strVarId & """"
                        MsgBox "The variable's value is " & """" & strVarVal & """"
                        MsgBox "Prompting for a value is " & """" & bPrompt & """"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub