GefProcActions.Add (method)

Adds a new item to the collection.
Syntax: Set GefProcAction = object.Add ( Type )
Description: Adds a new GefProcAction of the specified type to the collection.


Sub GefProcActions_Add()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimProceduresObj As GefProcedures
    Dim oCimProcedObj As GefProcedure
    Dim oCimProcAct As GefProcActions
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimProceduresObj = oCimObj.Procedures
    If oCimProceduresObj.Count > 0 Then
        Set oCimProcedObj = oCimProceduresObj.Item(0)
        Set oCimProcAct = oCimProcedObj.Actions
        oCimProcAct.Add gefActionHomeScreen
        MsgBox "There are now " & oCimProcAct.Count & _
            " actions for the first procedure"
        MsgBox "The object does not have any procedures"
    End If
End Sub