GefProcedure.Actions (read-only property)

Gets the GefProcActions collection which contains the actions for this procedure.
Syntax: Set GefProcActions = object.Actions
Description: The Actions property is the collection of actions for the specified procedure.


Sub GefProcedure_Actions()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimProcedure As GefProcedure
    Dim oCimProcActs As GefProcActions
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimProcedure = oCimObj.Procedures.Item(0)
    Set oCimProcActs = oCimProcedure.Actions
    MsgBox "There are currently " & oCimProcActs.Count & _
        " actions configured for this procedure"
End Sub