GefScaleAnimAttrib (object)

Represents the attributes of horizontal scale animation, the other of vertical.
Description: There are two GefScaleAnimAttrib objects for each GefScaleAnim. One represents the attributes of horizontal scale animation, the other of vertical.


Sub GefScaleAnimAttrib_Expression()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimScaleAnim As GefScaleAnim
    Dim oCimScaleAnimAttrib As GefScaleAnimAttribute
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimScaleAnim = oCimObj.ScaleAnim
    Set oCimScaleAnimAttrib = oCimScaleAnim.HorizontalAttrib
    MsgBox "The expression for the horizontal scale animation is " & oCimScaleAnimAttrib.Expression
End Sub
Properties: Anchor , Application , Expression , IsHorizontal , IsVertical , MaxExprValue , MaxScaleFactor , MinExprValue , Parent