GefScreen (object)

Represents an open screen in the application.
Description: The GefScreen object represents an open screen in the application. The Object property returns the actual GefObject representing the screen (which in turn contains the Objects property listing the objects in the screen).

The default property is Name.


Sub GefScreen_Application()
    Dim oCimScr As GefScreen
    Dim oCimApp As GefApplication
    Set oCimScr = CimGetScreen()
    Set oCimApp = oCimScr.Application
    MsgBox "The application is " & """" & oCimApp.Name & """"
End Sub
Properties: Application , BaseProject , ChildScreens , ContextMenuEnabled , Enabled , FrameStyle , FullName , HWND , Height , IsMouseInScreen , IsNavigation , LangMap , LangMapFileName , Left , MenuLockedInvisible , MenuTitleVisible , MenuVisible , Name , NavBarVisible , NavChildBarVisible , NavCurPath , NavHasCurScreen , Object , ObjectToEdit , Parent , ParentScreen , Path , RuntimeOnly , Saved , Selection , StatusBar , StatusBarVisible , Title , TitleVisible , ToolbarsVisible , Top , Visible , Width , Zoom , ZoomToWindowSize
Methods: Activate , CancelPointUpdates , Close , CloseEx , CreateRuntimeOnlyScreen , EmitTranslationStrings , Move , NavBack , NavForward , NavGetChildList , NavGetQuickLaunchList , NavGetSiblingList , NavGetSideWalkList , NavLoad , NavToChild , NavToNode , NavToParent , NavToSibling , NextZoom , Overlay , OverlayEx , PixelsToTwipsPos , PixelsToTwipsSize , PositionWithGeometry , PreviousZoom , Print , Refresh , RestartPointUpdates , RevertToSaved , Save , SaveAs , SaveCopyAs , ScrollTo , Select , Show , ShowPointView , SizeWindowToZoom , TwipsToPixelsPos , TwipsToPixelsSize , UpdateTranslation , ZoomToPoint , ZoomToRectangle