GefScreens.CaptivePopup (method)

Opens a screen file in captive mode.
Syntax: Set GefScreen = object.CaptivePopup ( ParentScreen, FileName, Project, Visible )
ParentScreen As GefScreen - The screen that this new screen will be captive to. No input will be allowed in the parent screen until the new screen is closed.
FileName As String - The name of the screen to open. If this is a relative pathname, it is qualified by the GefScreen.Path.
Optional Project As String - If specified, determines the project used to qualify unqualified point IDs in the screen. The default is the project specified with the "/project" command-line option, if any.
Optional Visible As Boolean - If specified as False, the screen will be opened but will not be displayed. Use the Visible property of the GefScreen to change the visibility. The default is True.
Description: If the screen file does not exist or cannot be opened, this method returns Nothing.


Sub GefScreens_CaptivePopup()
    Dim oCimScr As GefScreen
    Dim oCimScrs As GefScreens
    Dim oCimCapScr As GefScreen
    Set oCimScr = CimGetScreen
    Set oCimScrs = oCimScr.Parent
    Set oCimCapScr = oCimScrs.CaptivePopup(CimGetScreen, "SourceScr.Cim", , True)
End Sub
See Also: GefApplication.CaptivePopup , GefScreen.ParentScreen , GefScreen.ChildScreens