GefTextFormat.EditAction (property)

Gets and sets whether the text animation has an associated edit action.
Syntax: GefTriStateEnum = object.EditAction
object.EditAction = GefTriStateEnum
Description: The EditAction property toggles if there is a setpoint action on the text object.


Sub GefTextFormat_EditAction()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimTxtFmt As GefTextFormat
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimTxtFmt = oCimObj.TextFormat
    If Not oCimTxtFmt Is Nothing Then
        oCimTxtFmt.EditAction = gefStateTrue
        oCimTxtFmt.EditActionConfirm = gefStateTrue
        CimGetScreen.Refresh False
    End If
End Sub