ISolveInterface.GetProjectList (method)

Returns the list of connected projects.
Syntax: SCODE = object.GetProjectList ( projectList )
projectList As VARIANT* - Pass in an existing CoCimSafeArray3 object. It will be filled in with an array of VARIANTs containing the project names. (Note: In VBScript and VBA/VB, you may pass a Variant and this function will return a native array.)
Description: browser.GetProjectList returns the list of connected projects. Returns S_OK if the list was returned. Returns S_FALSE if there was an error.


Dim i As Variant
Dim errorCode As Long
Dim errorString As String
Dim low As Long
Dim high As Long
Dim projectArray As Variant
Set projectArray = CreateObject("CIMPLICITY.CimSafeArray.3")
i = browser.GetProjectList(projectArray)
If CInt(i) = 0 Then
  projectArray.GetArrayBounds 1, low, high
  For j = low To high
    MsgBox "Project " + CStr(j) + " = " + projectArray.Element(j)
  i = browser.LastError(errorCode, errorString)
  MsgBox "Error code = " + CStr(errorCode) + ", Error string = " + errorString
End If