ISolveInterface.SaveNamedExpression (method)

Saves the named expression.
Syntax: SCODE = object.SaveNamedExpression ( itemType, name, expression, comment, previous, persist, revision )
itemType As String - A string representing the item type of the expression.
name As String - A string representing the name of the expression.
expression As String - A string containing the text of the expression.
comment As String - A comment to be saved with the expression.
previous As long - The revision number of the expression this one is based on. Use 0 for new expressions.
persist As long - Should this expression be made persistent in memory.
revision As long* - The revision number given to this expression.
Description: browser.SaveNamedExpression saves the expression. Returns the revision number given to the expression when it was saved. If there are no problems with the database then a value of S_OK is returned. If there are problems then a value of S_FALSE is returned.


Dim revision As Long
i = browser.SaveNamedExpression("VEHICLE ORDER", "Test3", "Order Card", "Comment", 1, 0, revision)
If CInt(i) = 0 Then MsgBox "SavedNamedExpression revision is " + CStr(revision)