You can designate Points for data collection using the Collection tab of the Attribute Quality Characteristics Properties dialog box. Here, the scope of the collection can also be specified.
To specify Points for data
Select the Collection tab.
In the Automatic data collection group, click the Point radio button.
Identify the Point ID (data source) from which the SPC Data Collector retrieves data. The Point ID cannot have a Text type. Do one of the following:
to browse for an existing Point
in the Select a Point dialog box, or
to designate a New Point.
(When using any array) specify the number where SPC should begin to collect values in the Start element field. Note that the default is 0.
(When using any array) specify the number where SPC should finish collecting values in the End element field. Note that the default is 0.
Select a Point to indicate the Match Point ID (numeric Point only) in order to use the same data source that is identified by the Point ID for multiple attributes. Do one of the following:
to browse for an existing Point
in the Select a Point dialog box, or
to designate a New Point.
In the Match value field, enter the value to be matched against the Match Point ID to determine whether the collected data applies to this specific attribute quality characteristic.
(If this is a batch process) select a Batch Point ID . This will allow you to distinguish between different batches for the same Product Quality Characteristic. The value of the Batch Point is associated with the calculated data and can be used as search criteria for charts and reports. Do one of the following:
to browse for an existing Point
in the Select a Point dialog box, or
to designate a New Point.
Base Sampling parameters on Value or Point by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Indicate the Subgroup size (sample) as follows:
If based on Value, type a value for the sample size, or
If based on Point, do one of the following:
to browse for an existing Point
in the Select a Point dialog box, or
to designate a New Point.
Check Manual entry allowed to enable manual data entry for SPC chart sets at runtime; clear to disable option.
Check EU conversion if the SPC Data Collector is to use the EU value(s) for the Point. Clear if the SPC Data Collector should use the raw value(s) for the Point.
Step 4.3. Define an attribute's collection characteristics. |