TADBRoot.FindTable (method)

Syntax: TrkTable = object.FindTable ( bstrItemTypeID, bstrGroupName, bGetLookup )
bstrItemTypeID As String -
Item type ID.
bstrGroupName As String -
Item type group name.
bGetLookup As Boolean -
Optional parameter. The default is False.
If set to True, returns the related lookup table for specified Item type and group.
Returns the TrkTable object based on the Item type and group name passed as parameters.


Dim oTADBRoot As Object
Dim oTrkTable As Object

Set oTADBRoot = CreateObject("TADB.TADBRoot")

If oTADBRoot Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "Root Object is not created"
End If

oTADBRoot.Load "TRK7", ""

Set oTrkTable = oTADBRoot.FindTable("VEHICLE ORDER", "BLENDS")
MsgBox oTrkTable.Name