TrkItemType (object)

ITrkItemType Interface
The Tracker Configuration Utility generates item types according to the application design and stores them in the source database. This object encapsulates the Tracker Item type. You can use this object to have read-only access to the Tracker Item types. The TADB Interface currently does not allow to add/delete/modify Tracker Item types.

Important Note:

The Save method is reserved for future use and should not be used in a script.


Dim oTADBRoot As Object
Dim oTrkItemType As Object

Set oTADBRoot = CreateObject("TADB.TADBRoot")
If oTADBRoot Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "Root Object is not created"
End If

oTADBRoot.Load "TRK7", ""

For Each oTrkItemType In oTADBRoot.TrkItemTypes
   MsgBox "ItemType ID: " & oTrkItemType.ID " ItemType Description: " & oTrkItemType.Description

Properties: Class , Code , Description , ID , TrackingType , TrkItemTypeGroups