TrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.Description (property)

property Description
Syntax: String = object.Description
object.Description = String
This property is a description of the Item type group attribute, which describes a column in the Group Attribute table.

Example 1:

Dim oTrkItemTypeGroup As Object
Dim oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib As Object
Set oTrkItemTypeGroup = oTrkItemType.TrkItemTypeGroups.Item("Body IDs")
Set oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib = oTrkItemTypeGroup.TrkItemTypeGroupAttribs
MsgBox "Description:" & oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.Description

Example 2:

Dim oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib As Object
Set oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib = oTADBRoot.TrkItemTypeGroupAttribs.Item("BODY COMPONENT","Body IDs")
MsgBox "Description:" & oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.Description