TrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.FGroup (property)

property FGroup
Syntax: String = object.FGroup
object.FGroup = String
Represents the FGroup of the Item type group attribute. The Schema Generator uses the FGroup property to generate relation with other types. To assign this value use the table name of the relative Group.

It can also be used to determine if a particular column's FGroup property is set.

Example 1:

Dim oTrkItemTypeGroup As Object
Dim oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib As Object
Set oTrkItemTypeGroup = oTrkItemType.TrkItemTypeGroups.Item("Body IDs")
Set oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib = oTrkItemTypeGroup.TrkItemTypeGroupAttribs
MsgBox "FGroup:" & oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.FGroup

Example 2:

Dim oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib As Object
Set oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib = oTADBRoot.TrkItemTypeGroupAttribs.Item("BODY COMPONENT","Body IDs")
MsgBox "FGroup:" & oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.FGroup