TrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.Indexed (property)

property Indexed
Syntax: Boolean = object.Indexed
object.Indexed = Boolean
Represents the "indexed" state of the Item type group attribute. This property is used by the Schema Generator to determine if an index needs to be generated for the table on that attribute.

It can also be used to determine if the table is indexed based on the current field.

Example 1:

Dim oTrkItemTypeGroup As Object
Dim oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib As Object
Set oTrkItemTypeGroup = oTrkItemType.TrkItemTypeGroups.Item("Body IDs")
Set oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib = oTrkItemTypeGroup.TrkItemTypeGroupAttribs.Item(1)
MsgBox "Indexed:" & oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.Indexed

Example 2:

Dim oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib As Object
Set oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib = oTADBRoot.TrkItemTypeGroupAttribs.Item("BODY COMPONENT","Body IDs")
MsgBox "Indexed:" & oTrkItemTypeGroupAttrib.Indexed