/heartbeatInterval <msecs>

CimView and the ThinView client send each other heartbeat messages to test the network's connection.

If the ThinView client fails to send a heartbeat message to CimView, the client alerts the user by displaying a "connection lost" message.

A heartbeat interval is the amount of time CimView and the ThinView client wait between sending heartbeat messages.

/heartbeatInterval <msecs> enables you to specify the length of the heartbeat interval.

<msecs> is the time in milliseconds. The default value is 5000.

Factors to consider when specifying <msecs> include:

Increasing the number of milliseconds will decrease the load on the Windows CE PC but will also increase the time before the user knows there is a problem communicating with the server.

On the other hand, because the heartbeat message needs to go through the wireless network card, it uses battery power. Therefore, the more the number of milliseconds are decreased (increasing the frequency of heartbeat messages), the more quickly the battery will drain.

The minimum time you can enter for <msecs> is 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).

More information

ThinView Server and Client command line options.