Build a Communication Enabler

  1. Click Tools>Command Prompt on the Workbench menu bar.

  2. In the Command Prompt... window, issue the following commands:


cd %BSM_ROOT%\api\dc_api

Where  <drive> is the disk where your CIMPLICITY software is installed (for example, C:).

  1. If the environment variables are not set automatically, issue the following command to set them:

\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat

  1. Modify the makefile to include the compilation and linking of any additional files created for your customized communication enabler.

  2. To build your customized communication enabler, type the command:


  1. To move your executable to the correct directory for execution, type the command:

copy <name>.exe %BSM_ROOT%\exe

Where  <name> is the name of your executable.

  1. To move your dynamically linked library (DLL) to the correct directory for execution, type the command

copy <name>.dll %BSM_ROOT%\exe,

Where <name> is the name of your .dll file.

More information

Create the executable image.