First, you will need to add some entries to the Registry to allow the CIMPLICITY Configuration program to recognize your new devcom.
Important: Making changes to the
Registry is very dangerous and should be done with care.
Do the following to add the new devcom to the Registry:
Open an MS-DOS window.
Type regedt32 at the command prompt.
The Registry Editor opens.
Click Edit>Add Key on the Registry Editor menu bar to add a key for your new devcom.
Important: The Key Name must be in upper-case and match the <product> prefix you gave to your .proto and .model files.
Select the new key.
From the Edit menu, select Add Value..., enter Name in the Value Name field and REG_SZ in the Data Type field, then click OK. In the String field, enter the name that you want to be displayed for the protocol when you create a project, then click OK again.
From the Edit menu, select Add Value..., enter Serial Number in the Value Name field, then click OK. Leave the String field blank, then click OK again.
From the Edit menu, select Add Value..., enter Type in the Value Name field and "REG_SZ" in the Data Type field, then click OK. In the String field, enter Protocol, then click OK again.
Exit the Registry.
Add a new driver. |