Step 9. Compile a WYSIWYG Form

  1. Right-click WYSIWYG Forms.

  2. Select Compile on the popup menu.

The WYSIWYG Form Compile dialog box opens.

  1. Click the Open button to the right of the WYSIWYG Form field.

The Select the WYSIWYG Form dialog box opens.

  1. Open the  <Project Name>\CIMForms\WYSIWYGForms\Working folder.

  2. Select the file you want to compile.

The file type is

CimForms WYSIWYG Form files (*.cwf)

Files that were created and saved or were edited and saved as *.cwf files in the in the WYSIWYG Text Editor.

  1. Click Open.

The path and file name display in the WYSIWYG Form field in the WYSIWYG Form Compile dialog box.

  1. Click OK.

Result: Broadcast compiles the WYSIWYG form and reports any errors that it finds.

If there are no errors a message displays telling you that the compilation was successful.

More information

WYSIWYG form configuration.