In a Combine region multiple items can enter the region through:
Separate region Entry Transition
Indicators and reside physically on the same Item Carrier in that
One Entry Transition Indicator by
PRT receiving multiple notifications from the Transition Indicator.
The Items themselves are in no way required to be associated.
Required for Combine regions
A single Exit Transition
Indication is required from the region.
The region must be configured to
have a region capacity of one.
Positive Item Type detection is
required for each Item entering the region.
Allowed in Combine regions
The Items merely reside on the
same physical carrier, they are not required to be associated in
any way.
Multiple region Entry Transition
Indications are allowed.
It is not required that all Items
arrive at the region before the carrier exits the region. The Items
that arrived at the carrier before a transition out of the region
is detected are the Items that moved together with that
Other rules for Combine region items
A Tracking Region designated to
execute automatic Item Associations must be a Combine Items
Tracking Region.
Secondary region types. |