Compare Attribute with Attribute


Expression block which compares two attributes. If the attributes meet the comparison criteria, then the condition evaluates to true.


This function block has the following parameters:



Combine with

Used when combining multiple Expression blocks. Defines the Boolean operation to be performed with each Expression Block.

Region ID

ID of Region where item is located.


Location of the item in the selected region.

Item Class

Class of the item.

Attribute ID

ID of Attribute whose value is to compared.

Start Character

Starting character within the attribute value.

Attribute Length

Number of characters of attribute to compare. Specify 0 for the entire attribute.

Comparison Operator

Type of Comparison - Greater Than, Less Than, Equals.

Region ID

ID of Region where item is located.


Location of the item in the Region.

Item Class

Class of the item.

Attribute ID

ID of Attribute whose value is to be compared.

Start Character

Starting character within the attribute value.

Attribute Length

Number of characters of attribute to compare Specify 0 for the entire attribute.

Comparison Type

Numeric or alphanumeric comparison. If numeric comparison is selected, values are converted to integers before comparison.

More information

If (Expression ).

Compare Attribute with Attribute Parameters example.

Conditional function block list.