Set PRT Item with another PRT Item Pseudo Code

If the specified source region is blank

  Get the region id from the selected decision's source region


Use the specified source region

End if

If no items found in region at specified location

  Raise exception

End if

If the specified destination region is blank

  Get the destination region id from the selected decisions source region


  Use the specified source region

End if

If the status bit mask is not zero

  'Transfer Status Bits

    Mask% = Not Status Mask

  ' = clear transferred Bits

    Item2Status = Item2Status And Mask%

  ' Copy transferred bits

    Mask% = Item1Status And Status Mask

  ' Transfer the bits

    Item2Status = Item2Status Or Mask%

End if

If transfer all attributes

  For each attribute in source item

    Read attribute

    Write attribute to destination items



  For each of the 10 possible attributes

    If current attribute id is not blank

      Read source attribute

      Write value to destination attribute

   End if

End if

More information

Set PRT Item with another PRT Item