For each decision that is not yet eliminated
Get region Ready Mask for decision destination region
Get status point for decision destination region
Set value_to_check to value of regions status point
If region status point is unavailable than
Eliminate the decision
End if
If binary 'and' of value_to_check and region Ready Mask is 0
Eliminate the decision
End if
Get decision destination region "enable point," from region maintenance table
Get value of destination region "enable point"
If (enable point is unavailable)
Eliminate the decision
End if
If value of the enable point is 0
Eliminate the decision
End if
Get decision source region's, Ready Mask from region maintenance table
Get decision source region's, status point from region maintenance table
Set value_to_check to value of source region, region status point
If point is unavailable
Eliminate the decision
End if
If binary 'and' of value_to_check and region Ready Mask is 0
Eliminate the decision
End if
Get decision source region, region enable point from region maintenance table
Get value of source region, region enable point
If point is unavailable
Eliminate the decision
End if
If value of region enable point is 0
Eliminate the decision
End if
Note: All points from the region
maintenance table are added to the Routing Control Object's point
cache at startup.
Check Region Ready. |