Eliminate Decision Based on Rule Pseudo Code

          For each array element

          { \\ start for each element in array element

     Get attribute name, Get attribute value, Get breakable flag , Get Item Class

If attribute name and value are not blank

   { \\ start if attribute name and value are not blank.

      For each still possible decision

       { \\ start for each decision whose eliminate flag is not set

            Get the items at the decisions head location

            If (number of items at head > 0)

             { \\ start if items > 0

                For each item in head location

              { \\ start for each item in location

                   Get the attribute value

                       If (the attribute was found and the attribute values match)

                          { \\ start if attribute found and value matched)

       Set eliminate flag to false

       if Rule type[P3] == Group

               if Group count[P7] is >= rule [P6]

                     set eliminate flag to true

               end if

       Else if Rule type[P3] == Percentage

               Calculate the percentage released =

               Attribute Count[P10] / Total count [P11]* 100

               If (Percent Release is >= Upper Rel %[P8] or

                   Percent Release is <= Lower Rel[P9] %)

                     Set the eliminate flag.

       End if

       Else \\ if rule type is spacing

               If (spacing count[P7] < rule [P6])

                    Set eliminate flag to true

               End if

                              }//endif attribute found and match

                      }//end for next item at location

                  }\\end if item > 0

}\\end for each possible decision

if(breakability flag [P12]is set)

{ \\ start if breakability flag set

  if (all decisions are eliminated)


         Roll back decisions eliminated by this pass of array element (rule type)

         ( i.e. do not eliminate decisions whose eliminate flag is set on this pass)


  else \\ if all decisions are not eliminated and breakability flag is set


           Eliminate decisions whose eliminate flag is set in this pass

}\\ end if breakability flag set

else \\ if breakability flag is not set for this pass


      Eliminate decisions whose eliminate flag is set in this pass


                      }//endiif attribute value and name are blank

               }//end for – next array element

More information

Eliminate Decision based On rule pseudo code.