The following is a sample datalog.idt file.
|-* IDT file generated by IDTPOP utility v1.0 * RECORD: DATALOG PARAMETERS FOR DATA LOG FILES * * 0 FILE_ID log file name * 1 SERVICE_ID Owner service id for the file * 2 max_rec_size max size of a record in bytes * 3 max_recs max number of records before rollover * 4 alarm_rec threshold for alarm generation * 5 rollover_recs number of records to keep on rollover * 6 auto_rollover TRUE=rollover on number of records logged * 7 daily_rollover TRUE=rollover on time_of_day (sync time) * 8 add_field Bit 0=add time stamp, Bit 1=add project * 9 rollover_cmd DOS cmd to execute on rollover * 10 timed_rollup TRUE=rollover on timed basis (periodic) * 11 archive_id two character archive id * 12 compress_arc TRUE=compress archive file * 13 batch_pt_id batch point id associated with log file * 14 dbms_id Database in DBMS_DEF file * 15 table_type one of A/D/G/X indicating log type * 16 space_rollover TRUE if rollover on disk full * 17 gated_rollover TRUE if rollover on digital point * 18 redund_rollover TRUE if rollover on redundant transition * 19 rollover_dev device to check for disk full * 20 rollover_space limit (in Kb) for disk full rollover * 21 gate_point point to gate rollover * 22 gate_condition 1=HIGH, 2=LOW, 3=TRANSITION * 23 rollover_units Ok5=DAYS, 4=HOURS, 3=MINUTES * 24 rollover_period frequency for periodic rollover * 25 rollover_time time for synch rollover in min from 00:0 * 26 rollover_export 0=none, 1=all, 2=count, 3=time * 27 rollover_purge 0=none, 1=all, 2=count, 3=time, 5=exp+al * 28 rollover_exec 0=none, 1=SQL, 2=DOS, 3=SQL+DOS, 4=Pack, * 29 export_file export target file * 30 purge_file purge export target file
* 31 export_format 'C'=CSV * 32 purge_format 'C'=CSV * 33 export_range time/# of records to export * 34 purge_range time/# of records not to purge * 35 sql_command SQL cmd to execute on rollover * 36 queue_size Size of the table's write (or insert sta * 37 is_enabled Table is enabled (or active) for logging * 38 is_bulk_ins_enabled Table is using bulk insertion (must use) * 39 bulk_ins_cache_size Bulk insertion cache size * 40 bulk_ins_rate Bulk insertion write rate * ALARM_LOG|DL_RP|228|500|0|100|0|1|0||1|A1|0||$LOGGING|A|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|0|0|1000|60 EVENT_LOG|DL_RP|228|500|0|100|0|1|0||1|E1|0||$LOGGING|A|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|0|0|1000|60 PRT_GRP|DL_RP|200|500|0|100|1|0|1||0|PG|0||$LOGGING|X|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|1000|60 PRT_ITEM|DL_RP|1700|1000|0|100|1|0|1||0|PI|0||$LOGGING|X|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|1000|60 PRT_REG|DL_RP|130|500|0|100|1|0|1||0|PR|0||$LOGGING|X|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|1000|60 SPLIT|DL_RP|368|500|0|100|1|0|1||0|PR|0||$LOGGING|X|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|1000|60 $DEFAULT|PTDL_RP|200|500|0|100|0|1|0||1||0||$PTLOG|G|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|1000|60 PRT_ITEM_ATTR|DL_RP|2000|2000|0|100|0|1|1||1||0||$LOGGING|X|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0||PRT_ITEM_ATTR|C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|100|10 RCO_SITE1|DL_RP|350|500|0|100|1|0|1||0|PR|0||DB31467|X|0|0|0||0||0|5|1|0|0|3|0|||- C|C|0|86400||-1|1|0|1000|60 |
Step 1. Edit the datalog.idt. |