ITrkItemAgent.AddRegion (method)

method AddRegion
Syntax: object.AddRegion sRegion, nStart, nEnd, sAssociateProject
sRegion As String -

Region Name
nStart As Integer -

Start location in the region to search
-1 = Last Location, -2 = First Location, -3 = All Locations
nEnd As Integer -

End location in the region to search
-1 = Last Location, -2 = First Location, -3 = All Locations
sAssociateProject As String -

Project where region is located
The AddRegion method specify the region criteria for the agent to search for items.
When the Execute method runs the regions specified by these calls will be searched for items.


Dim oTrkItemAgent As Object
Dim oTrkItems As Object
Dim oTrkItem As Object
Set oTrkItemAgent = CreateObject("Tracker.TrkItemAgent")
oTrkItemAgent.AddRegion "A_TP1", -3, -3, "PA1"
oTrkItemAgent.AddRegion "B_TP1", -3, -3, "PA1"
oTrkItemAgent.Execute oTrkItems