ITrkItemAgent.DeleteItemEx (method)

Method DeleteItemEx
Syntax: Boolean = object.DeleteItemEx ( nDisposition )
nDisposition As TrkItemDeleteDisposition -
Deletes a list of items matching the criteria specified in the Item Agent Object. Set the criteria to find a list of items that need to be deleted, such as Item IDs, ProjectIDs etc.
Call ItemAgent.DeleteItemEx Method to delete ALL items matching the criteria.

Note: There is no need to call ItemAgent.Execute before calling DeleteItemEx.

Item IDs can be set in a single comma-saperated string (e.g. "ITEM1,ITEM2,ITEM3") or in a loop
by assigning to ItemAgent.ItemID (e.g. ItemAgent.ItemID = sItemID(iCounter) )
See the example for more details.

Example 1: Delete a particular item

Dim iAgent As Object, iItems as Object, iItem as Object
Set iAgent = CreateObject("Tracker.TrkItemAgent")
iAgent.ItemID = "M0110"
If iAgent.DeleteItemEx(TrkItemDeleteDisposition.enumSCRAP) = True Then
MsgBox "Deleted"
MsgBox "Delete Failed"
End If
Set iAgent = Nothing

Example 2: Delete items specified in a comma saperated list

Dim iAgent As Object, iItems as Object, iItem as Object
Set iAgent = CreateObject("Tracker.TrkItemAgent")
iAgent.ItemID = "M0110,M0111,M0112,M0113"
If iAgent.DeleteItemEx(TrkItemDeleteDisposition.enumSCRAP) = True Then
MsgBox "Deleted"
MsgBox "Delete Failed"
End If
Set iAgent = Nothing

Example 2: Delete items specified in a loop

Dim iAgent As Object, iItems as Object, iItem as Object
Set iAgent = CreateObject("Tracker.TrkItemAgent")

For i = 1000 to 1010
iAgent.ItemID = "M" & Format(i, "0000")
Next i

If iAgent.DeleteItemEx(TrkItemDeleteDisposition.enumSCRAP) = True Then
MsgBox "Deleted"
MsgBox "Delete Failed"
End If
Set iAgent = Nothing