ITrkNewItem.GetAttribute (method)

method GetAttribute
Syntax: Boolean = object.GetAttribute ( bName, pVal, npType )
bName As String -

Attribute Name
pVal As VARIANT* -

Attribute Value
npType As Long -

Attribute Type 0 = Extended Attribute, 1 = Standard Attribute
The GetAttribute method allows the user to get the value of a standard or extended attribute on the item.


Dim oTrkItem As Object
Dim vTrkItem As Variant
Dim sAttrValue As Variant
Dim iAttrType As Long
Set oTrkItem = CreateObject("Tracker.TrkNewItem")
oTrkItem.ItemId = "T123"
oTrkItem.ProjectId = "PA1"
oTrkItem.RegionID = "A_TP1"
oTrkItem.ItemTypeId = "ITEMTYPE1"
oTrkItem.RegionLoc = -1
lRetValue = oTrkItem.CreateAttribute ("STDATTR_1", "STDVAL_1", 1)
lRetValue = oTrkItem.GetAttribute("STDATTR_1", sAttrValue, iAttrType)
oTrkItem.InsertItem vTrkItem