ITrkRegion.CreateItem (method)

method CreateItem
Syntax: ITrkItem**pTI = object.CreateItem ( sItemID, sRefID, sItemType, ItemClass, nLocation, nStatus, sComment, sUser, sParent )
sItemID As String -

Item ID - Item ID of the item created.
sRefID As String -

Reference ID - reference ID of the item created.
sItemType As String -

Item Type - Item Type of the item created.
ItemClass As String -

Item Class - Item Class of the item created.
nLocation As Long -

Location - Location where item will be created.
nStatus As Long -

Status - Status of the item created.
sComment As String -

Comment - Comment to be logged when item is created.
sUser As String -

User - Username of user creating item.
sParent As String -

Parent ID - Parent ID of item. USed for non serialized items.
The CreateItem method will create an item in the current region.


Dim oRegionAgent As Object
Set oRegionAgent = CreateObject("Tracker.TrkRegionAgent")
Dim oRegions As Object
Dim oRegion As Object
oRegionAgent.ProjectID = "PA1"
Set oRegions = oRegionAgent.Execute
Set oRegion = oRegions.Item(1)
oRegion.CreateItem "ITEM_A", "REFA", "DOOR_LIMO", "ITEMCLASS2", -1, 0, "Comment", "ADMINISTRATOR", ""