Do any of the following to configure the script that feeds POMS, DIR_WATCHER.bcl.
Set the:
Name of the POMS schema file by
configuring the name set in the point XML.SCHEMA_NAME. This file is located by default in
the XML.Root directory under the site
Directory where XMLT puts its XML
output files by configuring the point XML.XMLT_DUMP. This is the same directory
DIR_WATCHER.bcl watches for new files it
move to the XML.SOURCE directory
Directory location where POMS
picks up orders (XML output files created by XMLT) by configuring a
point named XML.SOURCE.
Path name of the root directory
where DIR_WATCHER.bcl looks for the
above directories by configuring the point XML.Root.
Every 10 minutes, the DIR_WATCHER.bcl:
Copies a file from the
XML.XMLT_DUMP directory to the
directory specified by XML.SOURCE
Triggers the $OMV_ORDER site in
POMS for processing.
You can configure how often DIR_WATCHER.bcl runs using the CIMPLICITY Event Editor.
Note: The name of the
file that $OMV_ORDER would process is dynamically set in another
point, XML.PROCESSING_FILE, by the
DIR_WATCHER.bcl script.
$OMV_ORDER validates files placed in the XML.SOURCE directory using the schema file specified in the point XML.SCHEMA_NAME.
Invalid |
$OMV_ORDER rejects the file and moves it to Rejected directory, located in the directory site_root\POMS\TBNG_POMS\OrderFiles directory. |
Valid |
POMS processing of accepted files then begins. |
About DIR_WATCHER.bcl. |