Orders arrive in the $OM__ORUPD_ACPT. |
The Routing Logic Module (function blocks) commits the accepted update order. |
.xml retrieval |
Fails |
Deletes the update only item. |
Succeeds |
Looks for original Item ID. |
The original Item ID is retrieved. |
Not found in PRT, but found in TADB. |
Order item is deleted from TADB. |
Not found in TADB, but found in PRT. |
Order item is deleted from PRT. |
Found in PRT and TADB attributes |
Item ID is retrieved from PRT. |
Action |
The update item is merged with the original. The update item is deleted from PRT and TADB. |
The original item is in $OM_ORNEW_DETN: |
No |
Action |
None; update has been merged with the original order. |
Yes |
Destination |
Action |
Triggers $OMX_PLANT |
Note: If the PRT Order item for the order to be
updated is in any other region, its TADB record will be updated
without moving the item.
POMS routing overview. |