WebView Log Files

The WebView server keeps detailed logs of user connections that you can use for security purposes and for determining server load information.

WebView log file location.

WebView log file review.

WebView log file location

The log files are:

Created in the log subdirectory of your CIMPLICITY installation directory.

Named WebPocket_Connections_N.csv where N is an integer from 1 to 7.

By default a log file is 1MB and the last 7 log files are kept. The newest log file has the highest number. When the current log file is full, WebView opens a new log file. If there are already 7 log files, the earliest (number 1) is deleted and the other files are renamed so that the newest log file is number 7.

WebView log file review

A WebView log file has a CSV format with headers that describe each field. The fields are:


Describes the


Date and time record was logged. (Note: when viewing the CSV file in Microsoft Excel, Excel will display the time without the seconds. You can change the cell formatting in Excel to display the seconds as well.)


Type of event record as described below

Client Type

Type of session where:










User IP Address

IP address the client reported

User Host

Host name the client reported

Socket IP Address

IP address of the accepted socket

Socket Host

Reverse resolved host name of the accepted socket

Session ID

ID of the session


Initial screen requested

Three types of events are logged:


Is logged when


The WebView server accepts a connection request from a client. The only valid fields in this record are Time, Socket IP Address, and Socket Host.


CimView is started for a session. All the fields are valid in this record.


There is a reconnection to an existing session.

 Tip: In general, you will see an Accept followed by a Start record for each client connection. In some cases, you will see only an Accept record. This typically indicates that there were too many users connected and the client was refused a session. If this happens frequently you may want to increase the number of users allowed.

More information

About WebView configuration.

WebView advanced configuration.

About CIMPLICITY Web access and Terminal Services.