Sample Program Listing

The following is a listing of the sample program for the External Alarm State Management API:

#include <inc_path/examgr.h>

#include <conio.h>

class CAMIPSample:public CExternalAlarmManager




    virtual void OnAlarmAck(LPCTSTR alarmId, LPCTSTR frId,

                              LPCTSTR refId);

    virtual void OnAlarmClear(LPCTSTR alarmId, LPCTSTR frId,

                                LPCTSTR refId);

    virtual void OnAlarmDel(LPCTSTR alarmId, LPCTSTR frId,

                              LPCTSTR refId);

    virtual void OnShutdown();

    virtual void OnInited();

    void GenAlarms();


void CAMIPSample::OnAlarmAck(LPCTSTR alarmId, LPCTSTR frId,

                               LPCTSTR refId)


  char response;

  printf("Do you want to Ack Alarm ID %s, Resource %s, Ref ID %s",

          alarmId, frId, refId);

  response = getch();

  printf("%c\n",response) ;

  if (response == 'Y' || response =='y')



void CAMIPSample::OnAlarmClear(LPCTSTR alarmId, LPCTSTR frId,

                                   LPCTSTR refId)


  char response;

  printf("Do you want to Clear Alarm ID %s, Resource %s, Ref ID %s",

         alarmId, frId, refId);

  response = getch();

  printf("%c\n",response) ;

  if (response == 'Y' || response =='y')



void CAMIPSample::OnAlarmDel(LPCTSTR alarmId, LPCTSTR frId,

                               LPCTSTR refId)


  char response;

  printf("Do you want to Del Alarm ID %s, Resource %s, Ref ID %s",

         alarmId, frId, refId);

  response = getch();

  printf("%c\n",response) ;

  if (response == 'Y' || response =='y')



void CAMIPSample::OnShutdown()




void CAMIPSample::OnInited()


    GenAlarms() ;


void CAMIPSample::GenAlarms()













void main(int argc,char **argv)


    int i ;

    CAMIPSample sample;

    if (!sample.Start(TRUE))


        printf("Error in Starting\nExiting ...");





    Sleep(30 * 1000) ;

    sample.GenAlarms() ;



More information

Sample program.