Using CitectSCADA > Securing Projects > Configuring Security > Additional Fields

Additional Fields

Viewable Areas

The areas the user assigned the associated role is permitted to view. Enter a value of 16 characters or less.

Note: Do not set Viewable Areas in conjunction with Global privileges, as global privileges give roles view access to areas automatically.

Remember, you need to still assign privileges to the elements in these viewable areas, such as graphics objects, alarms, accumulators, commands, etc. If you do not, the user will have full access to them. For example, if you do not assign a privilege to a command in one of these areas, the user will be able to issue it regardless if you want them to or not.

To make an element (such as a button on a expression) view only for a particular user, assign it an expression and a privilege. Add the area to the user's list of Viewable Areas, but don't give the user the necessary privileges in that area (or the necessary global privilege).

Multiple areas can be defined using groups.

If you do not specify “Viewable Areas”, the user will have viewable access to area 0. See Privilege and Area combinations for more information.

Areas for Priv 1 . . . Priv 8

The privileges (by area) assigned to the user. Enter a value of 16 characters or less. Using this combination of areas and privileges, you can assign a user different privileges for different areas. For example, users assigned a role with privilege class 6 in areas 29 and 30 will only have access to commands in those areas that require privilege class 6.

In the privilege field you can separate numbers with commas or you can enter a range separated by two periods le.g. 1..8

Note: In assigning a privilege to an area, you are making that area viewable to users assigned that role.

If you do not specify areas with associated privileges, access is defined by Viewable Areas or Global Privileges only

Entry Command

A Cicode command that is executed when the user assigned this role logs in. You can use any Cicode command or function. Enter a value of 254 characters or less.

Exit Command

A Cicode command that is executed when the user assigned this role logs out. You can use any Cicode command or function. Enter a value of 254 characters or less.