Technical Reference > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Arrange and Position Functions

Arrange and Position Functions

The following functions modify the position of a selected object in three dimensions (X, Y and Z order).


Positions the active object at the specified location.


Moves the last object addressed one step forward in the layering of objects on a page, creating the appearance of moving forward.


Positions the last object addressed as the closest layer on a graphics page, giving it the appearance of being in front of the other objects.


Turns the last object addressed into a mirror image of itself across a horizontal axis.


Turns the last object addressed into a mirror image of itself across a vertical axis.


Rotates the last object addressed by 90 degrees clockwise.


Moves the last object addressed one step backwards in the layering of objects on a page, creating the appearance of moving backwards.


Positions the last object addressed as the lowest layer on a graphics page, giving it the appearance of being behind the other objects.

For details and a VB example on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.