Using CitectSCADA > Administering Projects > Including projects > Included projects

Included projects

Each CitectSCADA installation is supplied with three predefined include projects, designed to help you develop your project faster. They are:

These projects contain pre-defined database records and graphics libraries that can be used as the foundation for the content within your own project.

Note: Do not modify the include project for use as a runtime project. It will not compile successfully, and be set aside for use as a template for new projects. CitectSCADA upgrades install a new version of the CSV_Include project, which will overwrite any changes you make to the project when this happens.

The include projects are hidden from the project tree in Citect Explorer by default.

To show/hide a CitectSCADA Include project:

  1. Open the Citect Explorer.
  2. Select Show Include Project from the View menu.

See Also