The compiler has a number of options available to help simplify the process of resolving compilation issues. Typically, these options modify the output of the compile error log, making it more practical to assess specific error types and entries.
The options listed here can be adjusted via the Project Editor Options dialog, which is accessible from the Project Editor's Tools menu.
If you select this option, the compiler will generate a "tag not defined" warning in the error log for any tags detected that are not defined in the variable database.
As CitectSCADA v7.20 now allows you to include undefined tags on your graphic pages, this warning may be redundant and impractical. By unchecking this option, the warnings are still included in the displayed warning count, but they are not added to the error log.
If you select this option, the compiler will generate a warning to identify any deprecated elements it detects in a project, i.e. any functions, parameters, or Kernel commands that are no longer supported.
By unchecking this option, the warnings are still included in the displayed warning count, but they are not added to the error log.
This option enables the generation of warning entries for unused tags that are not used directly in a CitectSCADA project. The warning entries are included in the compile errors form when a full compile is run. By default this option is not selected.
See Also