Technical Reference > CtAPI Functions

CtAPI Functions


The CTAPI allows access to CitectSCADA I/O variable tags via a DLL interface. This allows 3rd party developers to create applications in C ( or other languages) to read and write to the I/O Devices.

The files necessary are ctapi.dll ctapi.lib and ctapi.h, and are located in the [bin] directory.

Using the CTAPI on a remote computer

To use the CTAPI on a remote computer without installing CitectSCADA, you will need to copy the following files from the [bin] directory to your remote computer: ctapi.dll, ct_ipc.dll, cteng32.dll, ctres32.dll, ctutil32.dll, and CiDebugHelp.dll. A project needs to have users defined before you can connect to the CTAPI from a remote computer.

Using CTAPI on Windows 2000

When running an application on Windows 2000 that uses CTAPI, you will need to copy the following files from the [bin] directory to the same directory as your application: ct_ipc.dll, cidebughlp.dll, dbghelp.dll, and ctutil32.dll.

Backward compatibility issues

A non-documented API was provided in the 16 bit version of CitectSCADA. As the 16-bit API is not compatible with the 32 bit environment, this new API has been implemented to replace it. The CTAPI is not compatible with the previous CT_VAR and CTUSER APIs. The CTAPI cannot be made compatible due to changes necessary for 32-bit environment. The changes necessary to port an application from the older API to the new CTAPI are small.

See Also