Using CitectSCADA > Communicating with I/O Devices > Customising Communication using Citect.ini Parameters

Customizing Communication Using Citect.ini Parameters


  • Do not under any circumstances change or remove any of the undocumented Citect.ini parameters.
  • Before deleting sections of the Citect.ini file, confirm that no undocumented parameters will be deleted.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

Note: Always seek the advice of Technical Support personnel regarding undocumented features.

Citect.ini parameters can be used to tune the performance of a CitectSCADA driver and perform runtime maintenance diagnostics.

You can customize the way CitectSCADA communicates with the a driver (and even individual PLCs) by creating or editing the section of the Citect.ini file named after a specific driver, for example, [MODBUS].

There are some ini parameters that are common to every CitectSCADA driver, as well as custom parameters unique to each driver.

See the Driver Reference Help (Help menu | Driver Help) for the ini parameters related to each driver, and their default values.

When CitectSCADA starts at runtime, it reads configuration values from the Citect.ini file that is stored locally. Therefore, any configuration settings needs to be included in the Citect.ini file located on the computer acting as the I/O Server to the devices in the system.

By default, CitectSCADA looks for the Citect.ini file in the CitectSCADA project\bin directory. If it can't find the file there, it searches the default Windows directory.