A TCP/IP driver is the low-level driver that is
used for any TCP/IP communications. It might be over Ethernet, Token
Ring or Arcnet. This driver communicates between CitectSCADA and Winsock, so it uses the
normal networking functionality of Windows. The parameters used for
TCP/IP are:
Dumps the traffic between the CitectSCADA TCPIP.DLL and Winsock to a text file called TCPIP.DAT in your Logs directory. The size of the log is governed by the LogsSize parameter
Allowable Values:
1 - Enables logging
0 - Disables logging
Default value = 0
Sets the default maximum size (in kilobytes) of the TCP/IP driver's log file before wraparound occurs.
Allowable Values: any integer
Default value: 200
Log actual data Tx & Rxs besides setup info.
Allowable Values:
1- Enables logging of Tx & Rx
0 - Disables logging
Default value -= 0
Sleep time in ms to wait AFTER getting a WSAENOBUFS (no system buffers message) before reading another buffer. There is no need to adjust this.
Default value: 0
PortName to log.
Default value: * (by default every port is traced)
Defines the timeout period between connection retries.
Default value: 1000 (ms)
This parameter allows you to implement the TCPIP driver option "-Maa.bb.cc.dd"in the Citect.ini file. This may be necessary if you have run out of characters in the Special Options field of the Ports Form, which is limited to 16 characters.
You need to specify the following in the Citect.ini file:
PortName = the name of the port as entered in the Ports Form
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd = the multicast Class D IP address