Using CitectSCADA > Linking, Importing, and Exporting Tags > Linking tags > Deleting the I/O Device

Deleting the I/O Device

If you delete an I/O Device record which is marked as linked, you can choose to make a local copy of the linked tags or you can simply delete them.

To link to tags in an external data source:

  1. Start the Project Editor.
  2. Choose Communication | I/O Devices.
  3. Scroll to the relevant I/O Device and choose Linked | True.
  4. Complete the remaining fields as necessary.

To link to tags in an external data source using the Express Communications Wizard:

  1. Start the Project Editor and choose Communication | Express Wizard. (Alternatively, you can open Citect Explorer, and then click Express I/O Device Setup in the Communications folder of the current project.)
  2. Complete the wizard screens one by one, selecting the relevant I/O Device, and so on. When the Link to External Database screen appears, select the Link I/O Device to an external tag database check box and complete the remaining details.

To manually refresh linked tags:

  1. Open Citect Explorer.
  2. Choose Tools | Refresh Linked Tags to display the Refresh Linked Tags dialog box.

See Also