Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Alarm Functions Introduction > AlarmDsp


Displays an alarm list, starting at a specified AN and then on subsequent ANs. You specify the number of alarms to display, the type of alarms and the name of the cluster the alarms belong to, for example, active hardware alarms or disabled non-hardware alarms in cluster XYZ. Before you call this function, you need to first add animation points to the graphics page for each alarm to be displayed.

If you only need to display the standard alarm page, use the PageAlarm function - it uses this AlarmDsp() function to display alarms. If you need more control over the display of alarms you can use this function, but only to display alarms on the alarm page. Use the AlarmDspLast function to display alarms on another graphics page (it uses less memory).


AlarmDsp(AN, Count [, Type] [, ClusterName] [, iNoDraw] [, sCallbackFunc] )


The AN where the first alarm is to display.

Note: The [Animator]MaxAn citect ini parameter sets the maximum AN which AlarmDsp will work with.


The number of alarms to display.


The type of alarms to display:

Non-hardware alarms

0 - All active alarms, that is Types 1 and 2

1 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF

2 - All acknowledged ON alarms

3 - All disabled alarms

4 - All configured (non-hardware) alarms, that is Types 0 to 3, plus acknowledged OFF alarms.

Hardware alarms

5 - All active alarms, that is Types 6 and 7

6 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF

7 - All acknowledged ON alarms

8 - All disabled alarms

9 - All configured alarms, that is Types 5 to 8

Alarm Summary

10 - All summary alarms

Alarm General

11 - All ON alarms

12 - All OFF alarms

13 - All ON hardware alarms

14 - All OFF hardware alarms

If you omit the Type, the default is 0.


The cluster name to which the alarms belong. This is optional if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".

If the client is connected to only one cluster containing an Alarms Server then this argument is optional, the list returned will be limited to alarms within this cluster.

If the client is connected to clusters containing more than one Alarms Server then the Cluster Name needs to be specified. If a cluster name is not specified, alarms are returned for all clusters.


Makes call to Alarm Server to update the ALMCB but does not automatically perform the animation of the data when the result is returned.


Callback function to associate with the return of the ALMCB data from the Alarm Server.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.

Related Functions

AlarmDspNext, AlarmDspPrev, AlarmDspLast, AlarmGetInfo, PageAlarm


Advanced Animation




Display 15 disabled alarms at AN 20

See Also

Alarm Functions