The format of a format template string
Rules for valid format template display
Malformed format template display
There are two types of malformed templates and below are examples of each and the resulting output.
Internal malformation
This is when there is a correct open and close bracer '{' and '}'
but inside the format template there is a malformation. For example
there may be a space not a comma separating the name and the width.
In this case the whole field is ignored which means nothing between
and including '{' and '}' is displayed.
For example:
Take the following string
< { LocalTimeDate , 20 , R } > TagLabel < { Tag , 20 L } > DescriptionLabel < { Desc , 20 , L } >
The output would as follows:
< 2009-07-17 11:13:17 > TagLabel < > DescriptionLabel < ValidAlarm1Desc >
Note: The "Tag" name value is not outputted as the field has no ',' between the width and justification.
Bracer malformation
This is when there is an open bracer '{' but no closing bracer '}'. In this case the malformation is printed as a string literal.
For example:
Take the following string:
< { LocalTimeDate , 20 , R } > TagLabel < { Tag , 20 , L > DescriptionLabel < { Desc , 20 , L } >
The output would be as follows:
< 2009-07-17 11:31:44 > TagLabel < { Tag , 20 , L > DescriptionLabel < ValidAlarm1Desc >
Note: The "Tag" name value is outputted as a literal as no closing bracer '}' is detected.