Cicode Programming Reference > Writing Functions > Naming Arguments

Naming Arguments

If an argument is listed in a Cicode function declaration, the Argument Name Statement is required, and is listed second, after the required Argument Data Type Statement, and before the optional Argument Initialization Statement.

The argument name is used only within the function to refer to the argument value that was passed into the function when the function was called. The name of the argument variable should be used in the executable statements of the function in every place where you want the argument variable to be used by the statement.

Note: In the following function syntax example:
- Every placeholder shown inside arrow brackets ( <placeholder> ) should be replaced in any actual code with the value of the item that it describes. The arrow brackets and the word they contain should not be included in the statement, and are shown here only for your information.
- Statements shown between square brackets ( [ ] ) are optional. The square brackets should not be included in the statement, and are shown here only for your information.

Replace the <ArgumentName> placeholder in the following function example with an appropriate name for your Argument variable. See the section titled Function Argument Structure for details.

FunctionName ( <ArgumentDataType> <ArgumentName> [ = <InitialDefaultValue> ] )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;

You can use up to 32 ASCII text characters to name your arguments. You can use any valid name except for a reserved word. The case is ignored by the CitectSCADA compiler, so you can use upper and lower case to make your names clear. For example, iPacketQnty is easier to read than ipacketqnty or IPACKETQNTY .

FunctionName ( INT iPacketQnty )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;

To refer to the argument (in the body of your function) you use the name of the argument in an executable statement:

AddTwoIntegers ( INT FirstInteger, INT SecondInteger )
INT Solution ;
Solution = FirstInteger + SecondInteger ;
RETURN Solution ;