Cicode Programming Reference > Using Cicode Programming Standards > Function Naming Standards > Source file headers

Source file headers

Source files (the files that contain your Cicode) should have a header to provide a basic overview of the file. This header should be formatted as follows:

//**	FILE:	<name of file.CI>
//** DESCRIPTION: <description of basically what is in the file>
//** <list of the PUBLIC functions contained
//** in this file>
//** <list of the PRIVATE functions contained
//** in this file>
//*************** MODULE CONSTANTS***********************
<module constants> //<comments (optional)>
//**************** MODULE VARIABLES ***********************
<module variables> //<comments (optional)>

Note: Declare all module variables at the MODULE VARIABLES section at the beginning of the file and initialize the module variables.

For example:

//**	FILE:	Recipe.CI
//** DESCRIPTION: Contains all functions for gathering recipe data.
//** OpenRecipeDatabase
//** CloseRecipeDatabase
//** ReadRecipeData
//** WriteRecipeData
//** GatherRecipeData
//** RecipeForm
//** OpenRecipeDatabase
//** ButtonCallback
//*************** MODULE CONSTANTS***********************
module int cmiRecipeMax =100; //Maximum number of recipes
//**************** MODULE VARIABLES ***********************
module int miRecipeNumber =0; //Minimum number of recipes