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Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Statistical Process Control Functions Introduction > SPCGetSubgroupTable


Returns an array containing the specified subgroup's elements with the mean, range and standard deviation. The data will be in the following order:

Element0, Element1, ... , Element(n-1), Mean, Range, StdDev

where n is the subgroup size.

This function can only be called while the SPC tag is being displayed on an SPC page.


SPCGetSubgroupTable(sSPCTag, iSubgroup, TableVariable)


The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.


The number of the subgroup being displayed whose data is to be retrieved. Zero ('0') represents the latest subgroup.


The first element of the Cicode array that will store the sample data. This variable needs to be defined as a global array of type REAL. The number of elements in the array needs to be equal to (or greater than) the subgroup size + 3.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. The subgroup's data is written to TableVariable.

Related Functions



/* This function will get the minimum value present in the sample
data of a particular SPC tag.*/
REAL rSubgroup[8]; ! 5 samples + mean + range + stddev.
! This variable needs to be global to the file, so is declared outside of the function
GetMinSample(STRING sTAG)
INT iError;
REAL iMin = 0;
iError = SPCGetSubgroupTable(sTag, 7, rSubgroup);
!The elements of rSubgroup now hold the group samples, mean, range and stddev.
IF iError = 0 THEN
! Get minimum. Be aware that the range of data is 5
iMin = TableMath(rSubgroup,5,0,0);
Return iMin;

See Also

SPC Functions