Cicode Programming Reference > Editing and Debugging Code > Stepping through code

Stepping through code

Once you have halted a thread, the debugger marks the position in the code with an arrow. Now you can step through the function, line by line, and watch what happens in the debug window (see below). The following tools are provided in the Cicode Editor, to control stepping through functions.

Step Into

Advances the current Cicode thread by one statement. If the statement is a user defined function, the debugger steps into it (the pointer jumps to the first line of the source code).

Step Over

Advances the current Cicode thread by one statement. If the statement is a user defined function, the debugger steps over it (the function is not expanded).

Step Out

Advances to the end of the current function and return. If there is no calling function, the thread terminates.


Re-starts normal execution of the current Cicode thread. If there are no more breaks, the thread terminates normally.